About the Product
イサキ , Chicken Grunt (Isaki) is prized as sushi and sashimi. It is gorgeous looking tane with a red band directly under the skin and translucent white lower layers , with flavours typical of shiromi : delicate , lean and sweet . Best suitable for various dishes such as sashimi, shimmered, and salt grilled.
日本料理中常見烤魚的黃雞魚,屬於石鱸科高級魚種 。魚脂含量恰到好處,無細刺,魚卵更是日本料理中的上等食材。黃雞魚細緻的口感很適合清蒸及香煎,魚身抹鹽除去水份後,慢火香煎至表面金黃酥脆,完全濃縮魚腹上油脂的香氣,再佐上胡椒鹽,就非常好吃,是一款只要簡單料理就能出美味的魚款。
Pre-Order Note
• Availability : Pre-Order
• The estimated process time is usually about 7 - 10 days from every Wednesday cut-off at 8PM .
• Once we received the shipment from Japan , it usually takes 24 - 48 hours to process for delivery.
> Exact price will be sent via Whatsapp once we have weight the fish .
> We do not provide slicing or filleting servive to preserve the freshness of the fishes .
* Picture is for illustration Purposes Only *
Isaki Sashimi