About the Product
Engawa ( 縁側 ) refers to the parts of muscle in flounder’s edge. In English, it translates to ‘Fluke Fin’. Engawa is a part of fish meat and one of the toppings of sashimi or sushi. It means a muscle of flatfish or righteye flounder for moving its fins, and is popular for its crunchy feeling on the tongue.
Furthermore, not only is Engawa deliciously mouth-watering, but it also provides plenty of health benefits as well. Engawa is an excellent source of protein and rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
頂級滑嫩比目魚鰭邊肉,肉質雪白豐腴,入口滑順細嫩,清新爽口,裙邊無刺,食用方便又美味! 可以作為握壽司食材,簡單的炙燒更加美味~營造更多層次的風味與口感!
Pre-Order Note
• The estimated process time is usually about 7 - 10 days from every Wednesday cut-off at 8PM .
• Once we received the shipment from Japan , it usually takes 24 - 48 hours to process for delivery.
* Picture is for illustration Purposes Only *
Engawa Sushi