About the Product
This particular shiromi is generally served with some of its skin still on. The skin is lightly seared (as pictured above) "aburi" style to tenderize it and release umami flavors from the oils. Another preparation method called kawashimozukuri involves splashing the skin with boiling water to tenderize it, then quickly chilling it with ice.
Kinmedai's flesh is delicate and tender, with good fat content for a shiromi and the taste is mild yet full of umami flavors.
魚肉極其富含礦物質、營養和Omega-3特別是魚頭顱腔內含有豐富的脂肪,金眼鯛富含鈣質 , 營養價值很高。
Pre-Order Note
• Availability : Pre-Order
• The estimated process time is usually about 7 - 10 days from every Wednesday cut-off at 8PM .
• Once we received the shipment from Japan , it usually takes 24 - 48 hours to process for delivery.
> Exact price will be sent via Whatsapp once we have weight the fish .
> We do not provide slicing or filleting servive to preserve the freshness of the fishes .
* Picture is for illustration Purposes Only *