About the Product
サワラ Sawara is a tane that falls somewhere between hikarimono (silver skinned, shiny fish) and shiromi(white fish) .
Sawara belongs to the mackerel and tuna family, but its color and flavor are very different. The flesh is white and the flavor is neither too fishy nor “metallic-tasting” like tuna. Sawara has mild natural sweetness.
鰆鱼体态细长,肉质细嫩,是白身鱼海鲜美食食材的一种 。到了冬季,大型的鰆已經積累了豐厚的脂肪,肉身肥美,口感更佳,此時的鰆被稱為「寒鰆」鰆魚肉中脂肪含量一般低於10%,但寒鰆的脂肪含量可達14-16%。魚肉含水量在70%左右,肉質柔嫩易碎。由於皮下脂肪油脂豐富 制作壽的氣 。
Pre-Order Note
• Availability : Pre-Order
• The estimated process time is usually about 7 - 10 days from every Wednesday cut-off at 8PM .
• Once we received the shipment from Japan , it usually takes 24 - 48 hours to process for delivery.
> Exact price will be sent via Whatsapp once we have weight the fish .
> We do not provide slicing or filleting servive to preserve the freshness of the fishes .
* Picture is for illustration Purposes Only *
Sawara topped with shallot relish