About the Product
カツオ Skipjack are the smallest and most abundant of the major commercial tuna species . Skipjack has the most pronounced taste of all of the tropical tunas and when raw .
鲣鱼是日本料理中必不可少的海鲜食材,不仅是因为有鲣鱼刺身生鱼片料理,鲣鱼炙烤刺身(日语:鰹の叩き Katsuo Tataki,日本四国地区高知县著名的特色乡土美食料理)等美食料理,晾晒后的鲣鱼干(也称木鱼节,木鱼干,柴鱼干)刨出的鲣鱼花(木鱼花,柴鱼片)更是提炼日本日式海鲜高汤(出汁,だし,Dashi)的重要原料食材,而海鲜出汁高汤则是日本料理鲜美味道的根源。
Pre-Order Note
• Availability : Pre-Order
• The estimated process time is usually about 7 - 10 days from every Wednesday cut-off at 8PM .
• Once we received the shipment from Japan , it usually takes 24 - 48 hours to process for delivery.
> Exact price will be sent via Whatsapp once we have weight the fish .
> We do not provide slicing or filleting servive to preserve the freshness of the fishes .
* Picture is for illustration Purposes Only *